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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Reviewers For College of Teacher Education PRELIMS 2nd Year
Saint Louis College
City of San Fernando, La Union, 2500
College of Teacher Education
AS – ED – IT Department

Preliminary Examination

·        Global Education - A product of Globalization
·        Globe – Map of Earth, Sphere: Hollow Earth.
·        Globalization – To make something Global

a)      Greco – Roman Empire
 initiated by Alexander II ( The Great of Macedon) The conquest of was to make the entire world unified.

b)     Mongolian Empire
Genghis Khan (Temujin) conquered part of China, Mongolia, Turkey, Russia, Korea, Europe, Persia, and Afghanistan.

c)      Christianity
Religious and biblical sense, The Lord Jesus Christ also planned Globalization
(Matthew 28:19)

d)     Philosophy and Morality
Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative

Always act in such as to will your action to become universal law.


1.      Make something become Adopted globally: to become adopted on a global something scale or cause especially social institutions, to  adopted on a global scale.
2.      To become something become international or start operating at the international level.

Etymology of Education

·        Duco – Ducere (To Lead)
·        Educo – Educere (To lead through or bring out, bring forth what is within “bring out potential”.)
·        Educare – (To lead out or bring out)
·        Educatiō – (A breeding, breeding up, rearing up)

·        Education – The General sense is any act or experience that was formative effect on the mind, character or physical activity of an individual.

Ø  Technical sense is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge skills and values from one generation to another.
Ø  A process by which people learn.

a.      Instructions – refers to the facilitating of learning by a tutor or leader.
b.      Teaching – refers to the action of an instructions to impart the student.
c.        Learning – refers those who are taught with a view toward preparing them with specific knowledge, skills or abilities that can be applied upon completion.

Etymology of Peace

*     Eirene – Greek
“Tranquil state of soul assured of its salvation through Christ”

*     Shalom – Hebrew
“The Gift of Salvation or Connoting the bounty messavanic blessings”

*     Salam – Arabic Allah’s Peace

*     PAX – Latin Vulgate
“ Latin Bible”
Ø  PAS – Anglo – Norman
“Freedom from Civil Disorder”

·        Peace  - a state of harmony characteristics by the lack of violence and conflict.

a)      Heavenly or Newly Healed
b)     Interpersonal or International Relationships
c)      Prosperity I matter of social or economic welfare
d)     Establishment of Equality and a workiness political order that serves the true interest of all.

Jesus of Nazareth – the prince of peace (Isaiah 9:5)

·        Traditional – very fast growing but slows down when adulthood strikes.
·        Satyagraha – a practice of non violent resistance.

Global Education and Global Teacher

Article 26 of United Nations

(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

·        Global Education – a term in the 1970’s from an educational program.

·        Jerome Bruner
-          American Psychology
-          October 1, 1915 and Died on June 5, 2016-07-06
-          Research fellow at the New York University school of Law
-          Which found his worked called MACOS

·        M - Man
A - a
C - course
O - of
S – study

Ø  Was an American humanities teaching programming, popular in America and Britain.
Ø  A concept might be taught repeatedly, but a number of levels, each level being more complex than the first.

·        Spiral Curriculum – introduced a creativity approach in educating  students and in the methodology.
·         Global Education – creative approach of bringing about change in our society.
·        Active Learning Process – based on universal values of tolerance, solidarity, equality, justice, inclusion, cooperation and non – violence.

·         Global Education is NOT a subject, but a dimension that runs through the curriculum, an extra filter to help children make sense of all information and opinion the world is throwing at them.

4 Dimensional Conceptual Model

1)     Temporal Dimension – linking the past, present and future.
2)     Spatial Dimension – creating awareness of the independent nature of the world.
3)     Issues Dimension – issues are inter-locking
4)     The inner Dimensions – enhancing understanding that resolving world is inseperable from developing self – awareness and spirituals awareness.

 Louis College
City of San Fernando, La Union, 2500
College of Teacher Education
AS – ED – IT Department

EDUC 1 A_A - Child and Adolescent Education
Preliminary Examination


1)      Continuity – a continues process from the conception to death.
Body Size
Functioning and

2)      Sequentiality – Growth and Pattern in General in the same for all individual. All children follow a development pattern with one stage leading to the next.

3)      Generality to Specificity – General activities always precedes specific activity. General responses of a baby. When the baby grows older there’s specific responses.

4)      Differently – tempo of development is not even. Individuals differ in the rate of growth development. Kinaesthetic development differ from other.
5)      Orderly – proximodistal and cephalocaudal pattern

Ø  Proximodistal – middle to out
Ø  Cephalocaudal – Top to down

6)      Development proceeds from simple to more complex
7)      Growth is a personal matter
8)      Growth comes from within
Ø  Traditional – very fast growing but slows down when adulthood strkes

Characteristics of the Life – Span Development

a)   Lifelong – no age period predominates development
(white hair grows slowly airspaces that make white)
b)   Multidimensional Complex – involve social and everything.
c)    Plastic – throughout the life-span. Used to become a good person in the next. Involve positive changes. Positive change because of difficulties.
d)   Contextual – changing being. Culture of your family. The person you become depends of the context of your activity.

Stages of Human Development

1.       Pre – Natal Development

a)      Germinal – First 2 weeks. Conception → Implantation → Formation of Placenta.
b)      Embryonic Stage – 2 weeks to 2 months
§  Undifferentiated
- Divide Stage
- Formation of vital organ and system
c)       Fetal Stage – 2 months to birth bodily growth continues movement capability.

2.       Infancy – the stages of infancy last from birth until approximately the age of 2.

Beginning of Psychological Activities

- Languages, symbolic through, sensorimotor, coordination, and social learning.

Ø  Rolling – 4 to 6 months
Ø  Sitting – 6 months
Ø  Crawling – 12 months
Ø  Fine motor skills – laugh and babble.

Saint Louis College
City of San Fernando, La Union, 2500
College of Teacher Education
AS – ED – IT Department

Preliminary Examination

·        Global Education - A product of Globalization
·        Globe – Map of Earth, Sphere: Hollow Earth.
·        Globalization – To make something Global

a)      Greco – Roman Empire
 initiated by Alexander II ( The Great of Macedon) The conquest of was to make the entire world unified.

b)     Mongolian Empire
Genghis Khan (Temujin) conquered part of China, Mongolia, Turkey, Russia, Korea, Europe, Persia, and Afghanistan.

c)      Christianity
Religious and biblical sense, The Lord Jesus Christ also planned Globalization
(Matthew 28:19)

d)     Philosophy and Morality
Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative

Always act in such as to will your action to become universal law.


1.      Make something become Adopted globally: to become adopted on a global something scale or cause especially social institutions, to  adopted on a global scale.
2.      To become something become international or start operating at the international level.

Etymology of Education

·        Duco – Ducere (To Lead)
·        Educo – Educere (To lead through or bring out, bring forth what is within “bring out potential”.)
·        Educare – (To lead out or bring out)
·        Educatiō – (A breeding, breeding up, rearing up)

·        Education – The General sense is any act or experience that was formative effect on the mind, character or physical activity of an individual.

Ø  Technical sense is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge skills and values from one generation to another.
Ø  A process by which people learn.

a.      Instructions – refers to the facilitating of learning by a tutor or leader.
b.      Teaching – refers to the action of an instructions to impart the student.
c.        Learning – refers those who are taught with a view toward preparing them with specific knowledge, skills or abilities that can be applied upon completion.

Etymology of Peace

*     Eirene – Greek
“Tranquil state of soul assured of its salvation through Christ”

*     Shalom – Hebrew
“The Gift of Salvation or Connoting the bounty messavanic blessings”

*     Salam – Arabic Allah’s Peace

*     PAX – Latin Vulgate
“ Latin Bible”
Ø  PAS – Anglo – Norman
“Freedom from Civil Disorder”

·        Peace  - a state of harmony characteristics by the lack of violence and conflict.

a)      Heavenly or Newly Healed
b)     Interpersonal or International Relationships
c)      Prosperity I matter of social or economic welfare
d)     Establishment of Equality and a workiness political order that serves the true interest of all.

Jesus of Nazareth – the prince of peace (Isaiah 9:5)

·        Traditional – very fast growing but slows down when adulthood strikes.
·        Satyagraha – a practice of non violent resistance.

Global Education and Global Teacher

Article 26 of United Nations

(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

·        Global Education – a term in the 1970’s from an educational program.

·        Jerome Bruner
-          American Psychology
-          October 1, 1915 and Died on June 5, 2016-07-06
-          Research fellow at the New York University school of Law
-          Which found his worked called MACOS

·        M - Man
A - a
C - course
O - of
S – study

Ø  Was an American humanities teaching programming, popular in America and Britain.
Ø  A concept might be taught repeatedly, but a number of levels, each level being more complex than the first.

·        Spiral Curriculum – introduced a creativity approach in educating  students and in the methodology.
·         Global Education – creative approach of bringing about change in our society.
·        Active Learning Process – based on universal values of tolerance, solidarity, equality, justice, inclusion, cooperation and non – violence.

·         Global Education is NOT a subject, but a dimension that runs through the curriculum, an extra filter to help children make sense of all information and opinion the world is throwing at them.

4 Dimensional Conceptual Model

1)     Temporal Dimension – linking the past, present and future.
2)     Spatial Dimension – creating awareness of the independent nature of the world.
3)     Issues Dimension – issues are inter-locking
4)     The inner Dimensions – enhancing understanding that resolving world is inseperable from developing self – awareness and spirituals awareness.

 Louis College
City of San Fernando, La Union, 2500
College of Teacher Education
AS – ED – IT Department

EDUC 1 A_A - Child and Adolescent Education
Preliminary Examination


1)      Continuity – a continues process from the conception to death.
Body Size
Functioning and

2)      Sequentiality – Growth and Pattern in General in the same for all individual. All children follow a development pattern with one stage leading to the next.

3)      Generality to Specificity – General activities always precedes specific activity. General responses of a baby. When the baby grows older there’s specific responses.

4)      Differently – tempo of development is not even. Individuals differ in the rate of growth development. Kinaesthetic development differ from other.
5)      Orderly – proximodistal and cephalocaudal pattern

Ø  Proximodistal – middle to out
Ø  Cephalocaudal – Top to down

6)      Development proceeds from simple to more complex
7)      Growth is a personal matter
8)      Growth comes from within
Ø  Traditional – very fast growing but slows down when adulthood strkes

Characteristics of the Life – Span Development

a)   Lifelong – no age period predominates development
(white hair grows slowly airspaces that make white)
b)   Multidimensional Complex – involve social and everything.
c)    Plastic – throughout the life-span. Used to become a good person in the next. Involve positive changes. Positive change because of difficulties.
d)   Contextual – changing being. Culture of your family. The person you become depends of the context of your activity.

Stages of Human Development

1.       Pre – Natal Development

a)      Germinal – First 2 weeks. Conception → Implantation → Formation of Placenta.
b)      Embryonic Stage – 2 weeks to 2 months
§  Undifferentiated
- Divide Stage
- Formation of vital organ and system
c)       Fetal Stage – 2 months to birth bodily growth continues movement capability.

2.       Infancy – the stages of infancy last from birth until approximately the age of 2.

Beginning of Psychological Activities

- Languages, symbolic through, sensorimotor, coordination, and social learning.

Ø  Rolling – 4 to 6 months
Ø  Sitting – 6 months
Ø  Crawling – 12 months
Ø  Fine motor skills – laugh and babble.

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